What Makes Us Unique
Here at The Altar Fellowship, we have two main principles that we believe set us apart as a church and help define the culture of our house. Those two pillars are Worship and Family.

We believe God has called us to the Appalachian Highlands because He has a beautiful plan for this region. In honor of God’s heart for this part of the world, we often include banjo, fiddle, mandolin, and other traditional bluegrass instruments in our worship services.
We realize that every person’s “Thank you” to God looks different, so we encourage and protect freedom in the church every time we gather to worship. You may often see people dancing or shouting to the Lord.
Our children are one of our highest priorities at The Altar, so we make sure to include them into each worship service. While we do have a kid’s church, we do not dismiss them to the kid’s building until after our time of worship is over.
The name of God (Yahweh) is recorded in Scripture over 6,800 times. As a point of honor, you will often hear His name spoken or shared in the context of prayer, worship, or teaching.

At The Altar, we want to know and be known by the people in our community. Our pastoral leadership often emphasizes the need for us to connect deeply and consistently with those in the church.
We value relationship over performance. While many organizations will promote the most skilled or able people, at The Altar, you will find that character and connectedness will open more doors for you than any talent ever could.
Paul says, in 1 Timothy 5:17, that “Elders who lead effectively are worthy of double honor, especially those who serve by preaching and teaching.” So, while our ultimate leader is Christ Himself, we give high honor to those He has placed in authority and leadership in our lives.
You may have noticed, we do not have “Connection Cards.” Instead, our Hospitality Team members are instructed to meet, connect with, and exchange contact information with 1 new person or family each week; and then to make it a point to see them again within 7 days. This ensures that people become “friends”, and not merely a name on a list.